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Learn how to trim young trees so you won't have to rent a cherry picker in the future

Everybody loves the look of a towering Mango tree loaded with fruit, but trees this tall aren't  practical... unless you like your fruit pre-chewed by the local wildlife. Personally, I find a tree that is pruned to grow low and wide to be way more useful (but to each his own).


For many, the perfect size tree is one that has a thick healthy canopy, tons of flowers, the strength to carry a heavy fruit load, is low enough to be able to easily protect the fruit as well as harvest by hand, safely. 


A low wide tree is accomplished by pruning out the uppermost branch(es) so that the lower branches get more energy. 


After topping a tree, the lower branches can then be pruned to create a complex branch structure with lots of new growth... and the more branch tips you have; the more flowers and fruit you can expect!


Clearing out the center of a canopy also makes for healthier trees. Space within the center of the tree allows sunlight in and air to flow freely. This will reducing the chances of an anthracnose (mold) infection on the leaves, bark and fruit.


Below are informative videos with Dr. Richard Campbell (produced by GreenDreamsTV) and another from Sulcata Grove that do a bang-up job explaining how to prune Mango trees. Included below that are some photos that should also help explain how to prune for a low wide canopy.

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