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Browse our how-to collection of videos, articles and websites that cover a wide range of subjects from growing rootstock and selecting budwood to adult tree care and fruit harvest.

But first, let's quickly talk about why you should graft onto a rootstock instead of just planting a seed from one of your favorite mango varieties.


More often than not Mango trees grown from seed will produce an inferior fruit (click here to learn why). The only way to know for certain that you'll harvest delicious mangoes off your new tree is to graft budwood from a parent cultivar onto a rootstock. Another benefit to grafting is that grafted trees will produce delicious fruit in just 1-3 years while trees grown from seed can sometimes take upwards of 8-10 years to produce fruit that is often inferior.


Turpentine Mangoes are the gold standard for rootstock because they produce a hardy root system that is drought, flood, pest and disease resistant; giving your tree a resilient, strong and reliable foundation.




Check out our shop for Turpentine Mango seeds and seedlings

How to Grow Turpentine Mango Rootstock Seeds Embryos.jpg


Learn how to germinate your polyembryonic Turpentine Mango Seeds, separate the multiple seedlings from each other and how to plant them for maximum growth and health

Turpentine Mango Rootstock Seedling


Learn the soil, light and water requirements for your Turpentine Mango seedlings and when you can begin grafting onto them

mango scion budwood


Where can you get Scions? What does budwood look like, what size should the cutting be, when the best time of year to harvest a cutting and what do I do with it once I have it? All these questions answered and more...

mango cleft graft


Find out the most popular grafting techniques and learn, in detail, when and how to do each one for the best chance of success

mango tree pruning for more fruit


Getting the most out of your trees is an art form. Planning starts from when your tree is just knee high. Learn how to prune your trees so they grow low and wide for easier picking and encourage heavy bountiful fruit production.

Mango Tree in full bloom

How To Encourage Flowering

In this section you'll learn how to encourage your tree to produce a copious amount of flowers and minimize fruit drop for an abundant fruit season, year after year.

young mango fruit

Keeping Your Trees Healthy

Some Mango Trees can be susceptible to certain kinds of fungus, pests and diseases. In this section we will learn how to identify and treat the most common issues effecting trees today and discuss some solutions to bring your trees back to optimum health.

(Coming Soon)

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Mango Varieties & Identification



Blooming & Pollination

Pests & Disease

Growing Mangoes

Pruning Trees for more fruit

When & How to Eat a Mango


Mango History / Stories

Organic Mangoes

Frequently Asked Questions


Misc. Links

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